Time for some basics. First off is a Bob Ross style alter where I changed the picture of a Mountain within its original frame.

Second is an attempt to extend the original, though I didn’t clean it up since I’m not very happy with it.

Next one is alot more fun! With some painter’s tape you can turn your basics into full art.

Thats my attempt at a tiny white lotus flower on the Plains there….not great. The edges of the frame has some problems too. By the time I did these I had bought some new paints, and I still use them. Some tutorials use Citadel paint that are for Warhammer figurines and I was looking at that but decided to go with Vallejo Model brand. I understand most great alterists use Golden Fluid Acrylics and I would love to try those but I haven’t found them in europe.

These images are big! The Island in sunset is great, though again its the framework that could be alot better. Maybe someday I will make this one in moonlight, would be sweet!